+44 (0)7624 334707
“We have found the Lord; come and see.” John 1 v45 and v46

Our Story
Who we are
The congregation came together at Easter 2016 worshipping in the Anglican tradition. In 2020 we joined the Free Church of England which is part of the Reformed Episcopal Church. To acknowledge this change we decided to rename our church to Saint Barnabas at Easter 2021
The legal bit
Saint Barnabas Church was formally created at Easter 2021
The church is a limited company No. 130489C under Manx law and is a registered Isle of Man charity No. 2003
The company directors and others form the Church Council which has responsibility for the day to day running of the church.
Key Personnel
Directors of the company : Sir Laurence New, Werner Alberts, Elaine Wilson & Ros Taisia
Church Council : The company directors plus David Cole, Roviana Szetu & Ben Campbell
Church Wardens : Werner Alberts and Ros Taisia
Diocesan Delegates : Elaine Wilson and David Cole
Assistant Minister: Revd. Laurence New
BELOW Photo of Church Council members